Few terms to begin with:-
Loss Function: tells how good a prediction model is in terms of how close it is able to predict the expected outcome.
Objective Function: algorithms rely on maximizing and minimizing a function called objective fn, and the group of functions that are minimized are known as loss function.
Gradient Descent: if a mountain with smooth slopes is loss function, then GD is sliding down that smooth mountain to reach the bottom-most point. It is the most common way to find the min. point of a function.
Categorization of Loss functions:
No need to remember all this at the moment. Just know that:
predicts a label | predicts a quantity
Regression Loss:
-Most commonly used
-sum of sq. distances of target variable and predicted variable
— aka Mean Square Error (or Quadratic Loss, L2 Loss)
Further graphs are going to use the example, where:
- target value is 100
- predicted values range between -10,000 to 10,000
- The MSE loss becomes minimum when actual value is 100 (i.e. predicted value^2-actual value^2 = 0)
– Yet another loss function is where:
- the sum of absolute differences between our target and predicted variables
- it measures average magnitude of errors in a set of predictions
— aka Mean Absolute Error